A mother hugging her daughter
Health Insurance


Focus on recovery and worry less about the finances with PRUWellness—a health insurance product that helps ease your financial burden of hospital confinement due to injury or dread disease.


Product features

Payment term

Pay for your plan for one year, with the option to renew up to age 65.

Duration of coverage

The duration of the coverage is one year, with the option to renew up to age 65.

Age requirement      

The plan is eligible for applicants from 18 to 64 years old.

Minimum annual* payment

PRUWellness packages start at PhP 2,311**

*Other payment frequency options available depending on package inclusions
**For ages 18-20

Learn more about the product

Core benefits
  • Daily Hospital Income Benefit - a daily cash benefit for each day of hospital confinement due to accident or illness for up to 365 days of continuous confinement for the same injury/illness

  • Long-term Hospitalization Benefit - a daily cash benefit for each day of hospital confinement in excess of 30 days for up to 365 days of continuous confinement for the same injury/illness

  • Dread Disease Benefit (DDB) - a benefit that pays a lump sum amount if the cause of confinement is due to any of the dread diseases covered

  • ICU Benefit - a daily cash benefit for each day of confinement in an ICU for up to 365 days of continuous confinement for the same injury/illness

  • Surgical Expense Reimbursement - (SER) - a benefit that reimburses the actual surgical expenses of surgery while under confinement; amount is capped at the benefit amount covered by SER

  • Death Benefit from the Term Insurance - a benefit that pays a lump sum amount in case of death of the insured


PRUWellness has four pre-packaged plans that suit your different needs.



Plan A

Plan B

Plan C

Plan A+

Daily Hospital Income





Dread Disease Benefit





Surgical Expense Benefit





Long-term Hospitalization





ICU Benefit





Term Insurance





Other information

Definition of terms
  • Dread disease - a disease that has a significant impact on one’s lifestyle or way of living
  • Premium - a specified amount of money that you pay in exchange for the coverage provided by your insurance plan
  • Sum assured - the guaranteed amount stated on the policy contract that the policyowner or beneficiary will receive upon the occurrence of an event, e.g. death
Optional benefits disclaimer
Important Considerations
  1. Pre-existing Conditions - medical conditions, injuries or illnesses that you already have before purchasing this plan will not be covered.

  2. Plan Exclusions - this plan has other conditions and exclusions that may affect the payment of the insurance proceeds.

  3. Free-look Period - you have 15 days from the date you receive your policy booklet to decide if this plan is for you. If you advise us that you wish to discontinue your coverage within this period, we will refund the premium that you paid in full.


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