Health Insurance

PRUHealth FamLove

An affordable yearly renewable term protection plan which enables you to share coverage against critical illnesses to eligible family members with just one plan.
Protection against moderate and severe critical illness
Be financially secured when diagnosed with moderate or severe critical illness through the System and Organ Function Insurance (SOFI) concept.
Have your loved ones protected from critical illnesses by sharing your protection coverage to a maximum of 3 eligible family members (including same sex or common law partner) depending on the selected product package.
Simplified issuance
Easy to avail as it only requires you to answer a simple health questionnaire with no medical examination requirement. Policy’s sum assured (SA) must be from Php500,000 to Php1,000,000. Other financial-related guidelines apply.
Lifelong coverage
Automatically renew your plan and be protected until age 85 by paying your premiums continuously. Renewal premiums are based on the attained age and gender of the main life insured and are not guaranteed.

Plan Benefits

Core Benefits for the Main Life Insured

  • Death Benefit

  • Critical Illness Benefit

    • Moderate Critical Illness Benefit

    • Severe Critical Illness Benefit


Core Benefits for Other Life Insured(s)

Applies to myPartner, myChild, myFamily, myParent plans

  • Family Extension Benefit (FEB)

    • Moderate Critical Illness Benefit

    • Severe Critical Illness Benefit


Choose between these packages and take advantage of its benefits.

A. mySelf

Family Composition


Maximum Number of Lives Insured

Main Life Insured Only




B. myPartner

Family Composition


Maximum Number of Lives Insured

Main Life Insured



Spouse/Life Partner*



C. myChild

Family Composition


Maximum Number of Lives Insured

Main Life Insured






D. myFamily

Family Composition


Maximum Number of Lives Insured

Main Life Insured



Spouse / Life Partner*





E. myParent

Family Composition


Maximum Number of Lives Insured

Main Life Insured






Additional documents will be required to establish insurable interest with the Main LI particularly for family members who are under the modern family concept (i.e., same-sex or common-law partner).

* This includes common-law and same-sex partners

**You may elect up to two (2) children as Life Insured. Simplified Issuance will also be applied to other life insureds.



Age Requirement and Eligibility

Payment term

Pay for your plan for one year with the option to renew annually and be protected until age 85.

Minimum sum assured

PhP 500,000

Age Requirement and Eligibility

Main Life Insured

 20 to 60 years old

Spouse or Life partner

20 to 60 years old


15 days to 21 years old

Parents (either or both parents are only allowed to enroll at policy inception)

45 to 70 years old

On a mobile? Swipe left to view the age requirements.

Learn more about the product

Core Benefits
  • Death benefit - 100% of the policy sum assured (SA) less any Moderate CI Benefit claim once the Main Life Insured (LI) dies. The policy terminates once this is claimed.


  • Moderate Crtical Illness (CI) Benefit - 50% of the policy SA will be paid if the Main LI is diagnosed with any of the covered Moderate CI conditions. This benefit is taken from the policy SA, therefore, reduces the benefit amount payable on Severe CI or death. The policy continues but at a lower coverage amount. This benefit is payable only once and will terminate upon payment of the claim.


  • Severe Critical Illness (CI) Benefit - 100% of the policy SA will be paid if the Main LI is diagnosed with any of the covered Severe CI less any Moderate CI Benefit claim. This benefit is taken from the policy SA. Since the benefit amount is equal to 100% of the policy SA, the policy terminates once this benefit has been claimed.


  • Family Extension Benefit (FEB) – you as the Main LI may share your protection coverage for Moderate and Severe CI to up to 3 qualified family members depending on the chosen package.


    Moderate CI Benefit - 50% of the FEB SA    |    Severe CI Benefit - 100% of the FEB SA

Important Considerations

Pre-existing conditions

These are illnesses, sickness, or conditions which are not covered that the life insured(s) already have before policy effectivity date or date of last reinstatement, whichever is later.

This plan and other benefits attachable to it has other conditions and exclusions that may affect the payment of the insurance proceeds. The complete terms and conditions are found in the Policy contract. In the event of conflict between this material and the policy contract, the latter shall prevail.


Free-look Period

You have 15 days from the date you receive your policy booklet to decide if this plan is for you. If you advise us that you wish to discontinue your coverage within this period, we will refund the premium you paid in full.

PRUHealth FamLove

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