PRULink Flexi Income Fund

Pulse will be discontinued starting March 25, 2025

What happens when Pulse App is discontinued?

Pulse app will no longer be available for download on Google Playstore (Android) and App Store (iOS). If you have Pulse app on your mobile, you will not be able to open and use any of its features anymore

What are the features that will be discontinued?

Pulse services and features will be discontinued, these are:

  • PRUShoppe

  • PRUServices

  • Lifestyle Content - Health, Fitness & Nutrition content

  • Mental Wellness

  • Business@Pulse

  • Rewards

What will happen to my data once Pulse is decommissioned?

As stated in the Pulse Terms and Conditions,  personal data will be deleted once Pulse is discontinued. If you are a Pru Life UK policyholder, your personal data will be stored as a customer. It will continuously be stored for a period of ten years after the end of the insurer- policyholder relationship .

If you are not a Pru Life UK policyholder, Pru Life UK may keep such data for marketing communications as long as you have provided your consent.​  

If PRUShoppe will be discontinued, where can I buy digital products from PRUShoppe?

You will be updated once our digital products are available.

Where can I access my digital policy e-documents?

You may access and manage your policy through the new PRUServices. Register now and link your policy at

Visit this page to learn more

I have an in-force digital policy I bought from PRUShoppe, what will happen to my policy?

Your digital policy will stay in force until its coverage end date. For policy management, register now and link your policy to the new PRUServices

Visit this page to learn more

I have an in-force digital policy I bought from PRUShoppe and I want to renew it, how can I renew?

We will update you on how policies bought via PRUShoppe can be renewed once the information is available.

I am a PRUServices user, can I use my log-in credentials to use the New PRUServices?

If you have an existing Pulse account, you can use the same log-in details to access the new PRUServices.

If your Pulse account was created through Facebook or Google, you need to create your PRUServices website account using a different email address. 

I have an existing PRUServices account on Pulse. What will happen to the policies currently linked to PRUServices on Pulse?

Your policies currently linked in Pulse will not reflect on the new PRUServices. You need to link your policies to PRUServices website.

I am a PRUServices user, where can I pay my premiums?

For policy payments, Register now and link your policy at

Visit this page to learn more

If PRUServices on Pulse will be discontinued, where can I manage my policy?

You may manage your policy through the new PRUServices. Register now and link your policy at

Visit this page to learn more

Who do I contact if I need help with PRUServices?

For any assistance, please reach out to our Customer Contact Center at:

PLDT Hotline for Metro Manila: (632)8887-LIFE (632-8887-5433) 

PLDT Domestic Toll-Free: 1-800-10-PRULINK (1-800-10-7785465)

Globe Hotline for Metro Manila: +63 (2) 7793-5433

Globe Domestic Toll-Free:  1-800-82-785465
