PRULink Funds

PRULink Funds List

Check out the list of our funds managed by Eastspring Investments (Singapore) Limited and ATRAM Trust Corporation.
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Expertly managed funds

Pru Life UK offers a superior selection of funds in the market.  Since the Company pioneered the sale of unit-linked products in 2022, the underlying funds are being managed by expert global and local fund managers, Eastspring Investments (Singapore) Limited and ATRAM Trust Corporation, respectively.

Learn more about our fund managers:
Eastspring Investments (Singapore) Limited
ATRAM Trust Corporation

Funds list

Peso funds
The Philippine peso-denominated underlying funds for PRULink products

Peso funds

Fund objectives

Managed by Eastspring Investments (Singapore) Ltd.

PRULink Cash Flow Fund - PhP Hedged Share Class

The PRULink Cash Flow Fund - PhP Hedged Share Class aims to provide you with regular payout by investing in a diversified portfolio consisting primarily of US dollar-denominated high yield bonds and by hedging foreign exchange volatility.

PRULink Cash Flow Fund Plus - PhP Hedged Share Class

The PRULink Cashflow Fund Plus (PhP Hedged Share Class) aims to provide potential regular payouts of up to 6% per year or 1.5% per quarter by investing in a diversified portfolio consisting of US high-yield bonds, Asian bonds, global equities, and other dividend-yielding assets. It is also hedged in PhP to minimize foreign exchange volatility. 

PRULink Global Market Navigator Fund -  PhP Unhedged Share Class

The Fund is a peso-denominated multi-asset fund that aims to give better return potential by investing in a diversified pool of global assets, including equities, bonds, currencies, and cash.

PRULink Global Equity Navigator Fund -  PhP Unhedged Share Class 

The PRULink Global Equity Navigator Fund - PhP Unhedged Share Class seeks to provide a combination of income and capital growth over the medium term by primarily investing in various equity markets around the world through exchange traded funds, direct equities, index futures, and derivatives. Structured as a feeder fund, the Fund invests in Global Equity Navigator Fund Class D managed by Eastspring Investments. It may also invest in fixed-income securities and money market instruments issued or guaranteed by the US government, its agencies, and instrumentalities.

Note: The PRULink Global Equity Navigator Fund is subject to currency risks as a PhP unhedged share class.

Download the fund brochure

 Managed by ATRAM Trust Corporation

PRULink Peso Bond Fund

The PRULink Peso Bond Fund seeks to achieve an optimal level of income in the medium term together with long term capital growth through investments in fixed income securities and money market instruments.

PRULink Managed Fund

The PRULink Managed Fund seeks to optimize medium to long term capital and income growth through investment in fixed income securities, money market instruments and shares listed on the Philippine Stock Exchange.

PRULink Proactive Fund

The PRULink Proactive Fund seeks to optimize medium to long term capital and income growth with emphasis on dynamic asset allocation by fund managers through investment in fixed income securities, money market instruments and shares of stocks.

PRULink Growth Fund

The PRULink Growth Fund seeks to optimize medium to long term capital and income growth, with an emphasis on strong capital growth, through a greater focus of investment in shares of stocks listed in the Philippines. The fund also invests in fixed income securities, and money market instruments.

PRULink Equity Fund

The PRULink Equity Fund seeks to optimize medium to long term capital growth through investments in shares of stocks listed in the Philippines.

PRULink Money Market Fund

The PRULink Money Market Fund seeks to provide a stable return through investment in fixed-income instruments issued by the Philippine government and short term instruments such as deposit placements.

PRULink Equity Index Tracker Fund

The PRULink Equity Index Tracker Fund is a peso-denominated fund that seeks to provide long-term capital growth by mirroring the performance of the Philippine Stock Exchange Index or PSEi. It aims to provide a return same as the performance of the index. It invests in stocks of companies comprising the PSEi. The Fund, structured as a feeder fund, invests in PRUInvest PH Equity Index Tracker Fund Class V managed by Pru Life UK Investments.

PRULink Global Tech Navigator Fund - Peso (NEW)

The PRULink Global Tech Navigator seeks to achieve long-term capital appreciation by investing all or substantially all its assets in an equity collective investment scheme that invests principally in equity securities of companies throughout the world that benefit significantly from technological advances and improvements. As a feeder fund, it invests wholly in ATRAM Global Technology Feeder Fund (the Feeder Fund) which ultimately invests in Fidelity Funds - Global Technology Fund (the Target Fund). The Fund may also invest up to 10% in financial instruments and other tradeable investment outlets as may be allowed by the pertinent regulatory bodies.  It is subject to currency risks as a PHP unhedged share class.

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Dollar funds
The US dollar-denominated underlying funds for PRULink products

Dollar funds

Fund objectives

Managed by Eastspring Investments (Singapore) Ltd.

PRULink Dollar Bond Fund

The PRULink Dollar Bond Fund aims to generate stable returns in US Dollar terms by investing in a range of US Dollar fixed income securities. These are predominantly issued by either the Republic of the Philippines or Filipino corporates. The Fund also invests in US Dollar denominated fixed income instruments issued by international entities, both sovereign and corporates.

PRULink Asian Local Bond Fund

The PRULink Asian Local Bond Fund is structured as a feeder fund which invests in the Eastspring Investments -Asian Local Bond Fund (EI-Asian Local Bond Fund). The EI-Asian Local Bond Fund invests in a diversified portfolio consisting primarily of fixed income or debt securities issued by Asian entities or their subsidiaries. This Fund’s portfolio primarily consists of offshore securities denominated in the various Asian currencies and aims to maximize total returns through investing in fixed income or debt securities that are rated as well as unrated.

PRULink Cash Flow Fund

The PRULink Cash Flow Fund is a US dollar-denominated fund that seeks to provide investors with regular payouts1 by investing in a diversified portfolio of yielding assets.

PRULink Dollar Cash Flow Fund Plus 

The PRULink Dollar Cash Flow Fund Plus aims to provide non-guaranteed regular payouts by investing in a diversified portfolio of US high-yield bonds, Asian bonds, global equities, and other dividend-yielding assets.

PRULink Asian Balanced Fund

The PRULink Asian Balanced Fund aims to maximize total return in the medium- to long-term by investing primarily in equities/equity-related securities of companies, which are incorporated, listed in or have their area of primary activity in the Asia Pacific (excluding Japan) region as well as fixed income/debt securities issued by Asian entities or their subsidiaries.

The Fund is invested in three dollar-denominated and Luxembourg-domiciled Asian SICAV Funds of Eastspring Investments, namely, Asia Pacific Equity Fund, Asian Local Bond Fund, and Asian Bond Fund.

PRULink Asia Pacific Equity Fund

The PRULink Asia Pacific Equity Fund is structured as a feeder fund which invests in the Eastspring Investments-Asia Pacific Equity Fund, which aims to maximize long-term total return by investing primarily in equity and equity-related securities of companies which are incorporated, listed in or have their area of primary activity in the Asia Pacific Region (excluding Japan). This fund may also invest in depository receipts including American Depositary Receipts and Global Depositary Receipts, debt securities convertible into common shares, preference shares and warrants.

PRULink Global Emerging Markets Dynamic Fund

The PRULink Global Emerging Markets Dynamic Fund aims to generate long-term capital growth through a concentrated portfolio of equities, equity-related securities and bonds. It invests primarily in securities of companies which are incorporated, or listed in, or operating principally from, or carrying on significant business in, or derive substantial revenue from, or whose subsidiaries, related or associated corporations derive substantial revenue from the emerging markets worldwide.