

Leading life insurer Pru Life UK is now in mobile wallet giant GCash, offering millions of Filipinos with easy access to protection.

PRUPersonal Accident - Junior

PRUPersonal Accident – Junior (PA Junior) is a yearly renewable protection plan designed to cover children/students against injury or death due to accident.

Different packages are available in GCash’s GInsure offering easy-to-avail-for insurance products with bite-sized coverage.
Get protection at the comfort of your home 
Made accessible with just a few taps via GCash
Choose the best option for you or your child  
Select between Basic and Full packages and choose the coverage amount that fits your need and budget
Have financial shield from accidents
Gift yourself, as a parent or as a young individual, peace of mind from the costs of accident-related expenses

Product features

Payment term

Pay for your child or your plan for one year 

Coverage Period

Coverage period is 12 months from Coverage Start Date 

Plan Benefits      

Choose among these packages and take advantage of its benefit/s:


  • Php 30,000 Accidental Death and Disablement/Dismemberment (ADD)* 

  • 5% of ADD Renewal Bonus

  • Php 5,000 Burial Benefit

  • Php 30,000 Field Trip Coverage

  • Php 3,000 Accidental Medical Reimbursement Benefit (FULL PACKAGE)

  • Php 250 Hospital Income Benefit (FULL PACKAGE)



  • Php 100,000 Accidental Death and Disablement/Dismemberment (ADD)*

  • 5% of ADD – Renewal Bonus Benefit

  • Php 5,000 Burial Benefit

  • Php 100,000 Field Trip Coverage

  • Php 5,000 Accidental Medical Reimbursement Benefit (FULL PACKAGE)

  • Php 500 Hospital Income Benefit (FULL PACKAGE)


*The specified percentage of the ADD Benefit will be paid according to the Schedule of Coverage indicated in the Policy Contract. The range is from 1% to 100% of ADD Benefit amount. 

Note: Corresponding benefit amounts for Accidental Medical Reimbursement and Hospital Income Benefit will only be available for PRUPersonal Accident - Junior Full Package. 


PRUPersonal Accident – Junior
  1. What is PRUPersonal Accident – Junior?
    PRUPersonal Accident is a yearly renewable packaged protection plan offered by Pru Life Insurance Corporation of U.K. (“Pru Life UK”) and designed to cover injury or death due to accident. Different packages that suit various ages and occupations are available in GInsure within GCash, a mobile wallet app, for easy-to-apply-for insurance products with bite-sized coverage.

  1. Who can avail of PRUPersonal Accident - Junior?
    Any individual who meets the following eligibility requirements can avail of this product:

For the Policyowner

1. Must be at least 18 years old at the time of application.

2. Must be a Filipino citizen residing in the Philippines at the time of application.

3. Must own a GCash account under his/her name.

For the Life Assured

1. Must either be the Policyowner or the child of the Policyowner.

2. If Life Assured is the Policyowner, he/she must be a student and 18-22 years old;
    if Life Assured is the child of the Policyowner, the child must be 5-17 years old.

3. Must be a Filipino citizen residing in the Philippines at the time of application.

4. Must:

a. be in good health;
b. have no physical or medical impairment;
c. not have, in the last five (5) years, consulted, nor been examined or treated for more than two (2) weeks by a doctor
    for any disease or injury, and not have undergone any medical diagnostic test or procedure, other than for routine
    pre-employment purposes; and
d. not have been confined in a hospital for any length of time or had any surgical procedure.

  1. How can I avail PRUPersonal Accident – Junior on GInsure of GCash?

    1. Log-in to GCash app

    2. Tap the GInsure icon on the GCash homepage

    3. Under Explore Categories, click “ALL” to view all product categories
    4. Under All Categories look for the “PRU PA – Junior” tile or use the search function and type in PRU PA Junior

    5. Select your chosen product package, fill-out the form, read and agree on the health declarations & product terms & conditions, then click Proceed

    6. Confirm the payable amount and pay using GCash

    7. Confirmation of plan purchase will be reflected after successful payment transaction

Customer will receive an email from Pru Life UK confirming the successful purchase of PPA Junior.

  1. What government IDs must be uploaded to purchase PRUPersonal Accident – Junior on GInsure of GCash?
    For the Policyowner, any of the following Government issued IDs may be uploaded:

  • Philippines Passport

  • Driver's license

  • SSS ID

  • Unified Multi-purpose ID

  • Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)

  • Voter’s ID

  • PhilHealth

  • Postal ID

  • Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)

  • Phil ID


Should the Life Insured be different from the Policyowner, an image containing both the valid IDs of the Policyowner and Life Insured is required to be uploaded to proceed with the application.

For the minor-Life Insured, any of the following IDs are accepted:

  • Birth certificate issued by PSA,

  • Phil lD

  • Valid school ID signed by the incumbent school principal/head of school

  • Valid passport

  • Barangay certificate.

Kindly take note of the following:

  1. Providing the ID number and uploading of valid IDs are mandatory

  2. Users are required to upload a valid Philippine Government-issued ID. Otherwise, the insurance application will be invalid, and the insurance policy will be rescinded in the event of a claim.


  1. How long is the coverage period and what are the benefits can I receive from PRUPersonal Accident – Junior?
    The coverage of PRUPersonal Accident - Junior is 12 months from the Coverage Start Date. The following are the packages and benefits of PRUPersonal Accident – Junior available in GInsure of GCash:

    Basic Package





    Accidental Death and Disablement/Dismemberment (ADD) Benefit*

    Php 30,000

    Php 100,000

    Renewal Bonus Benefit

    5% of ADD

    5% of ADD

    Burial Benefit

    Php 5,000

    Php 5,000

    Field Trip Coverage

    Php 30,000

    Php 100,000


    Full Package





    Accidental Death and Disablement/Dismemberment (ADD) Benefit*

    Php 30,000

    Php 100,000

    Renewal Bonus Benefit

    5% of ADD

    5% of ADD

    Burial Benefit

    Php 5,000

    Php 5,000

    Field Trip Coverage

    Php 30,000

    Php 100,000

    Accidental Medical Expense Reinbursement Benefit

    Php 3,000

    Php 5,000

    Hospital Income Benefit

    Php 250

    Php 500


    *The specified percentage of the ADD Benefit will be paid according to the Schedule of Coverage indicated in the Policy Contract. The range is from 1% to 100% of ADD Benefit amount.

    Other packages of PRUPersonal Accident – Junior are also available through various product distribution channels of Pru Life UK such as PRUShoppe in Pulse app or through a licensed Pru Life UK insurance agent. Should you need a higher coverage than those available in the online platforms, our insurance agents can provide assistance and guide you in your journey.

  1. How long do I wait before my policy application gets approved?
    Once the Policyowner has successfully paid his/her PRUPersonal Accident – Junior, s/he will be directed right away to the Congratulations page where the product name and reference number will be displayed.

    An email confirmation that the Policy has been issued and is in force will be sent to your email address on record. Within twenty-four (24) hours from policy purchase, another email will be sent which includes all policy documents, including the Policy Contract.


1. Policy Data Page

2. Data Privacy Statement

3. Policy Info

4. Designated Beneficiary form*

5. Product Terms and Conditions

6. Declaration of Understanding

7. Policy Contract

8. Contract Endorsement

*This document will not be part of the attachment if no beneficiary was elected during product application.

  1. How do I file for a claim?
    Claims request may be submitted via Pru Life UK business centres or by sending an email to

  2. Can I cancel my policy?
    Yes, the Policyowner has a period of fifteen (15) days from his/her policy receipt date to review the policy. This is called the Free Look Period.

    Pru Life UK will send a confirmation that the Policy has been issued and is in force to your email address on record. Within twenty-four (24) hours from policy purchase, another email will be sent which includes all policy documents, including the Policy Contract. The date that the email with the policy documents is sent shall be considered as your policy receipt date and your 15-day Free Look Period will begin on this date. The Free Look period is applicable on the initial purchase of the Policy only.

    If you decide that this Policy is not suitable to your needs and wish to cancel it, you must immediately notify us by sending an email to within the Free Look Period. Pru Life UK will refund the premium you paid in full upon completion of the processing of your cancellation request. 

    In case of cancellation beyond the Free Look Period, the amount to be refunded will be in accordance with the Short Period rate scale indicated in the policy contract.

  3. Can I avail of more than one (1) PRUPersonal Accident – Junior?
    No, a Policyowner-Life Assured with an existing PRUPersonal Accident – Junior may no longer avail of another PRUPersonal Accident – Junior, unless the existing in-force PRUPersonal Accident - Junior expires or is voluntarily cancelled.

    However, the Policyowner may avail multiple PRUPersonal Accident - Junior products for different Life Assureds, as long as the Life Assured is/are his/her child/ren. Similar on the first guideline, the Life Assured cannot own multiple PRUPersonal Accident - Junior products at the same time.

  4. Can I renew my PRUPersonal Accident – Junior after the end of the Coverage period?
    Yes, you may renew your PRUPersonal Accident – Junior purchased. Further communications will be sent via your registered email address prior your Coverage End Date for the renewal process.

  5. Can I upgrade or downgrade my PRUPersonal Accident – Junior during the coverage period?
    No, a Policyowner/Life Assured with an existing PRUPersonal Accident – Junior, cannot upgrade or downgrade, or purchase another PRUPersonal Accident Junior Package.

    A Policyowner/Life Assured will only be allowed to purchase, upgrade or downgrade to a different PRUPersonal Accident - Junior Basic/Full Package if the existing in-force PRUPersonal Accident - Junior expires or is voluntarily cancelled.

  6. Can I view my Policy Contract?
    Your Policy Contract and other Policy Documents are sent within twenty-four (24) hours from successful purchase to the Policyowner’s email address.

    A printed copy of the Policy Contract may be requested via email to, subject to a printing and delivery fee of PhP500.00. This fee is subject to change and prior notice shall be sent before any such change is implemented.

  7. How do I link my policy on the Pulse app?
    Easily manage and have access to your policies on the Pulse app! Download and register to Pulse and visit PRUShoppe > PRUServices to view your policies. If your policy is not available on the app, tap ‘Link Policy’ to sync your active policies on the app.

  8. I was not able to elect my beneficiary for PRUPersonal Accident - Junior during the application process, how can I nominate one?
    If you choose not to register a beneficiary immediately or were not able to nominate a beneficiary before your PRUPersonal Accident - Junior policy is issued, your policy application will still be valid.

    If you wish to elect and/or change your beneficiary, change a beneficiary designation to irrevocable (or otherwise) or change the percentage of sharing of the insurance proceeds, you may do so at any time during the coverage period of your policy by sending an email to

    In case you are unable to name a beneficiary, or you do not wish to name one, the death benefit will be paid to the persons then surviving in the following order of preference:

    a. Legal spouse and children
    b. Parents
    c. Brothers and sisters
    d. Insured’s estate

  9. Can I convert my PRUPersonal Accident - Junior to another insurance plan?
    No, PRUPersonal Accident - Junior is not convertible to any other Pru Life UK plan or policy.

  10. Where can I get more information about this offer?
    You may visit for the latest information on PRUPersonal Accident – Junior.