IMPORTANT: Pulse app to be discontinued on 25 March, 2025. Visit PRUServices web for your policy needs.

Insurance with Investment

PRULink Investor Account Plus

A single-pay investment-linked life insurance that helps you achieve your medium- to long-term financial goals while giving you protection.

Product features

Payment term

Enjoy the ease of availing this product through one-time payment and the option to top up on the investment component anytime.

Duration of coverage         

The duration of the coverage is up to 100 years old insured(or up to age 100 of insured).

Age requirement   

The plan is eligible for applicants from 0 to 70 years old for the insured, 18 to 99 years old for the policyowner.

Minimum annual payment

Payment starts at PhP 100,000.00

Learn more about the product

Core benefits

Death benefit - 125% of single premium plus 125% of top-ups less 125% of all partial withdrawals or the fund value, whichever is higher, if death occurs after two (2) years from the effective date of the policy

Maturity benefit - fund value

Optional benefits
Protection against accident, death, and disability:
  • Non-accelerated Total and Permanent Disability – an additional cash benefit if the insured becomes totally and permanently disabled due to bodily injury or disease.

  • Personal Accident – a comprehensive accident rider that gives cash benefit in the event the insured suffers injuries, disability, or death due to accidents.

  • Additional Term – additional cash benefit given if the insured dies within the term coverage period.

Fund selection

Peso Funds

Dollar Funds

PRULink Bond Fund

PRULink Dollar Bond Fund

PRULink Managed Fund

PRULink Asian Local Bond Fund

PRULink Growth Fund

PRULink Cash Flow Fund

PRULink Proactive Fund

PRULink Dollar Cash Flow Fund Plus (NEW!)

PRULink Equity Fund

PRULink Asian Balanced Fund

PRULink Money Market Fund

PRULink Asia Pacific Equity Fund

PRULink Cash Flow Fund Plus – PhP Hedged Share
Class (NEW!)

PRULink Global Emerging Markets Dynamic Fund

PRULink Global Market Navigator Fund


PRULink Equity Index Tracker Fund


Learn more about the PRULink funds that you can select for this product

Other information

Product disclaimer
  1. It is important to assess your financial appetite and capability prior to getting a plan in order to ensure that you are able to maintain your policy and maximize the benefits of your life insurance plan.

  2. As an investment-linked insurance plan, the policy sustainability and fund values projected in PRULink Investor Account Plus quotations are merely predictions or estimations. They are not guaranteed results of the future.

  3. There are optional benefits that can be attached to PRULink Investor Account Plus such as providing additional coverage in the event of accident, death, and disability. You as the policyowner can decide whether or not you need to avail of these benefits according to your needs.

  4. The terms & conditions (T&C) for PRULink Investor Account Plus may be different from other products, hence, please make sure to read the applicable T&C, which is also embedded in the relevant policy contract or policy booklet for details.

  5. Investment component of your life insurance policy

  6. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. The levels and bases of, and relief from, taxation can change. The value of any tax relief referred to depends upon the individual circumstances of the investor. For investments that can fluctuate in value, values may fall as well as rise and an investor may not get back the amount invested.

Optional benefits disclaimer

All optional benefits are still subject to policy contract provisions.

Definition of terms

Premium -  a specified amount of money that you pay in exchange for the coverage provided by your insurance plan.

Fund switch -  old units in the old fund of choice will be sold and used to buy the units of the new fund, effectively changing the fund your premium is invested in.

Fund value - the accumulated amount of cash that you can potentially earn over a period of time from the investment component of your investment-linked life insurance plan.

Rider - optional benefits that you can attach to your life insurance plan to expand your coverage

Top up - an additional payment on top of the regular premium