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Health and Financial Wellness

Dengue vs. other viral infections: What’s the difference?

Dengue fever symptoms can easily be mistaken for symptoms of other diseases, and not knowing the difference can be harmful, especially when trying to treat any disease. Find out the differences between these viral infections in this video. Watch here:



  1. Is it Dengue or is it COVID-19? Centers for Disease and Control Prevention. [Internet] 2020 [cited 2021 January 13] Available from:,from%20exposure%20to%20symptoms%20onset.&text=The%20clinical%20manifestations%20of%20both,range%20from%20mild%20to%20critical.

  2. Flu Symptoms & Complications. Centers for Disease and Control Prevention. [Internet] [cited 2021 January 13] Available from:

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  4. Symptoms (Zika). Centers for Disease and Control Prevention. [Internet] [cited 2021 January 14] Available from: